Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Baby Telford

I don't think I ever recorded on here that we are having a baby! It's due date is May 19th but since the last two had to come early the doctor's said this one should be the same so we are expecting it to come a couple weeks early.  We aren't going to find out what we are having and are excited to be surprised for when it comes. So far it looks good but it does have fluid on its kidney's like Deacon did so we have to have some extra tests.  Our kids are very excited and can't wait to have a baby around. Only 10-12 more weeks!


Heidi said...

Congratulations! So happy for you. Hope you are doing okay.

Hanny said...

How was your blood pressure this time? I just need to know that you are okay.

Allison said...

Congratulations to you, Ben, and your kiddos!!