Monday, March 19, 2012

week twenty-five: all bundled up!

This was supposed to be the prompt in a few weeks and I for sure thought I was going to have to do something else because the weather has been so nice here and that they wouldn't have to get bundled up again, but last night it snow A LOT so it worked out perfect.

The girls love the snow and were so excited to go outside and play.
Deacon seemed so confused and uncomfortable to have so much stuff on...But i finally got him to smile.

For some Annie refuses to wear her coat and will only wear her jacket, they weren't outside too long before she was freezing.


Hanny said...

They almost make it look fun to play in the snow. Not really. Nothing makes snow look fun to me anymore but the kids are darling! Is there any way that you can post the video Ben tried to send me of Emily dancing?

Heidi said...

I agree. It ALMOST makes snow look like a good thing to see those cute kids!